Paid Traffic

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How To Promote A Kid App? Kid App Promotion Features

Practical recommendations for those who are seriously interested in mobile app development and promotion of kid's apps.

Anna Korman

Marketing manager, Appbooster

Articles6 min. read
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Ways to promote mobile apps

Mobile app development is expensive and time-consuming. In addition, there are millions of mobile apps, and new ones are coming to the market every day, competing for the attention of users one way or another. In this article, we will talk about 5 ways to promote your app.

Anna Korman

Marketing manager, Appbooster

Articles4 min. read
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Web-to-App Funnels For Mobile App Promotion — Post-IDFA World Solution to combat iOS 14.5 and SKAdNetwork limitations

Webto-app is an alternative way to attract users that allows you to bypass the IDFA limitations. You can promote on Facebook using the "good old ways", without decreasing campaign effectiveness.

Anna Korman

Marketing manager, Appbooster

Articles6 min. read
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How to prepare an app for an advertising campaign on Facebook — A short instruction

How to prepare an app and launch an advertising campaign on Facebook? Checklist at the end of the article.

Julia Krasilnikova

Affiliate Manager, Appbooster

Analytics8 min. read
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Promoting apps | How to pick a traffic source

No matter how great your app is, you need advertising to attract an audience. In this article, we show you how to find the right audience and where to find it.

Julia Krasilnikova

Affiliate Manager, Appbooster

Articles4 min. read

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