In this article, we discuss the 2022 results on the mobile app market and what experts predict for 2023.
In addition to the well-known App Store and Google Play, there are a dozen major and much smaller 3rd party app stores around the world. Find out which ones they are and how to promote apps in them.
Webto-app is an alternative way to attract users that allows you to bypass the IDFA limitations. You can promote on Facebook using the "good old ways", without decreasing campaign effectiveness.
The importance of A/B testing has been covered in hundreds of texts, books, and webinars. Today, no exponential growth is possible without proper experiments conducted. Let’s figure out whether it’s reasonable to invest resources in split tests if your company is much smaller than Google or eBay.
How to prepare an app and launch an advertising campaign on Facebook? Checklist at the end of the article.
A look at the mobile marketer's must-have kit. What metrics do you need to use to evaluate the app's performance.
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