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Case study: How We Lost $7,500 on Mobile App A/B Tests But Learned How to Do Them

The importance of A/B testing has been covered in hundreds of texts, books, and webinars. Today, no exponential growth is possible without proper experiments conducted. Let’s figure out whether it’s reasonable to invest resources in split tests if your company is much smaller than Google or eBay.

Anna Korman

Marketing manager, Appbooster

Articles6 min. read
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Most popular questions in 2021 about ASO

In our practice, customers often ask us about App Store Optimization. We decided to gather all the popular questions together and answer them in detail.

Valeriya Shalimova

ASO Manager, Appbooster

Articles4 min. read
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How to prepare an app for an advertising campaign on Facebook — A short instruction

How to prepare an app and launch an advertising campaign on Facebook? Checklist at the end of the article.

Julia Krasilnikova

Affiliate Manager, Appbooster

Analytics8 min. read
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5 rules for managing app reputation

It has long been known to beginners and not only to marketers that a project's reputation is the basis for proper promotion. In the mobile app market, this is determined by the rating of the app itself, app reviews, and a few other parameters.

Анна Чайковская

Sales Team Lead, Appbooster

Articles2 min. read
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Promoting apps | How to pick a traffic source

No matter how great your app is, you need advertising to attract an audience. In this article, we show you how to find the right audience and where to find it.

Julia Krasilnikova

Affiliate Manager, Appbooster

Articles4 min. read
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How can app soft launch be valuable to the app owner?

Checklist for an effective soft launch of a new product

Anna Korman

Marketing manager, Appbooster

Articles4 min. read
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Which app metrics are important and why

A look at the mobile marketer's must-have kit. What metrics do you need to use to evaluate the app's performance.

Anna Korman

Marketing manager, Appbooster

Articles4 min. read

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